Wittenberg-Birnamwood High School
3:50.99 (1500m) 4:11 (mile)
Personal Trainer
800m- 1:55 1500m- 3:50.27 Mile- 4:08.01 3k- 8:18 5k- 14:18 10k- 29:26 1/2 marathon- 1:05:35 Marathon- 2:19:09
Celebrity I would most like to be in a bromance/be gal pals with: Aaron Paul
The least runner thing about me is: I love playing basketball or throwing a baseball/football around
Superstition: Always eating Subway on race day
My first time from the gym class mile that I remember is: 5:30 ish, and I felt like that was so fast
Favorite Running Memory: Winning a national championship in 2013 at DIII Outdoor Track and Field nationals
If I weren't a runner, I would probably be...: A weekend warrior playing pickup basketball
Track Workouts
Just plain ol’ water
ASICS Nimbus
Ice blue raspberry lemonade Kool-Aid