Fort Atkinson
Marquette University
Physical Therapist and Running Coach
1500m: 3:46, 1 Mile: 4:05, 5k: 14:29
Celebrity I would most like to be in a bromance/be gal pals with: Simon Sinek
The least runner thing about me is: I love Mt. Dew
Superstition: Don't think I have any?
My first time from the gym class mile that I remember is: 5th grade: 6:30
Favorite Running Memory: Celebrating with my teammates after qualifying for state in the 4x800m relay my senior year.
If I weren't a runner, I would probably be...: Ballin' in the local adult rec league.
Track Workouts
New Balance 880
Greenbush Donuts for sure...or Larry and Lenny's Complete Cookie